Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Living in Calgary

I've lived in Calgary for seven months. That is never too short time for me.
Actully, when I just arrived, my heart was throbbing with expectation.
Because everything was new and novel. Street, Building, people....
So, it took me quite a long time to adapt myself to the new place.
Fortunately, I adapted very well. I lived here with no problems.

I think time goes too fast for me. I feel like just arriving few days ago.
When I came here, I brough a map and guide book. I saw that and I found some place. But, I don't need that any more. I can go there what I want.

Now, just 12 days left and then I'll move to Toronto.
I'm excited and worried about moving to new place. Nobody doesn't know me and I also don't know anybody. Maybe I'll feel strange like coming here. Also I'll need time to adapt there.

I hope I would adapt in Toronto quickly and succeed in living.
Maybe, I could remember about living in Calgary many times.
And I'll never forget here.
I want tell to friends, teachers.
"Thank you for your helping!!!"

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My first Halloween Party

Last year (2007), I had a Halloween party whth my Taiwaness friends.
That was my first Halloween party.
Actully, I'd known that waht halloween before I had a party.
Because it is a strange culture for me.
Maybe, many Asian students also don't know that.

So, I'll introduce about Halloween simply.
Halloween or Hallowe'en is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31.
Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties.
Usually, people have a costume party.

The ancient people believed that on night of October 31, the spirits of deceased would visit their family and witches would appear. And they would cause ploblems such as sickness or damaged crops.
Thus, people wear costume or mask to protect self from badness.

All my friends prepared custume.
But I didn't.
Finally, I dressd a soccer uniform and a bandage on my leg.
At last, I attched sticking plaster on my face.
It looks like a hurt soccer player?^^

We had a great time.

We saw costume each other and estimated score.
There were varied costume.

It is one of the most interesting parties in my life.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Midnapore Lake

I'll talk about The Midnapore Lake.
When I came to Calgary, I'd stayed at homestay nearby Shawnessy.
Actully, I'd stayed there for a month.
There was a lake park for village folk.
My host parents usually go to there to exercise and walking.
So, I've been to follow them there three times.
There were very peaseful and tranquil.

I could exercise many kinds of activity like that swimming, fishing, throwing discus, canoe boat, paddle boat.....
And all of them are FREE!!!

When I visited there first time, I was very suprised.
And when I heard that the lake was made by human, I was suprised again.

Especially, I liked green grass in the lake.
There were covered with grass almost all.
I could walk there without shoes.
And I also tumbled down the grass hill like a child.
That reminded me of my childhood.

It is my good memory in Canada.
If you live neayby Shawnessy Station, you should go there!!
Maybe you'll like there.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Summer Vacation

I went to visit to the Philippines 2 years ago.
I'll tell about interesting and marvelous places.

I had stayed in Cebu for 2 months.
There are many beaches and small islands.
Among many island, I went to the Bohol Island.
There were tanquil and scenic. Water was very clean and weather was warm. So everything fitted me.

Do you know Kises Chocolate?? It was very popular.
Do you know that where is the greatest chocolate in the world??

There are many great Kises Chocolates more than 1000 in Bohol. People called them "The Chocolate Hills." because they looked like unwraping paper Kises. Look at the left picture. Do you think they looked like Kises?? ^^

Last, I'll introduce the smallest monkey in the Asia.
His name is Taiser.
He usually sleep in the afternoon and acts at night.
So I could see sleeping Taiser.
When I saw first, I thought that was a doll.
He was so cute. ^^ They only live here.
I know more interesting places.
I'll tell other places next time.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Favorite Place is Kensington.

Do you know Kensington?
There is near Sunnyside Station. Kensington is my favorite place in Calgary. I usually go there once a week. I can go by walking because I live in downtown. Kensington is near downtown, but there is quite different from downtown. There are many peculiar store, cafe and restaurant. When I went there on Christmas week, there are many decoration for Christmas.

And I went to the toy store. There are many kinds of toy. I saw that I used to play with when I was growing up. I could feel like childhood there. If you go to Kensington, you'd better visit there. Maybe you'll like there.

I suggest another place. It's "Spice Cafe". There are located entrance of Kensington. I usually play board game while drinking coffee. I also read novel and magazine. You can do that free if you pay for your tea.

I'm sure you'll have a great time there. If you go to Kensington on weekend, we might meet there. If so, I'll introduce more my favorite place.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Story in Vancouver

I'm traveling in Vancouver with my girlfriend. I'm having great time. I went to White Rocks beach today. There are many white rocks. So people called "White Rocks". It was very marvelous because I couldn't see the beach in Calgary. I used to visit to the beach before I came to Canada.

There aren't many people because it was rainy. I thought this beach is mine. haha~~. Actually, this trip is important to me because it is last trip with her in Canada. She is going to go back to Korea next week. I'll never forget today. Tomorrow, we are going to the Victoria island. I expect tomorrow.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Kristi is The Best Teacher!

I opened my new blog.

I'll write my story on my blog.