Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My first Halloween Party

Last year (2007), I had a Halloween party whth my Taiwaness friends.
That was my first Halloween party.
Actully, I'd known that waht halloween before I had a party.
Because it is a strange culture for me.
Maybe, many Asian students also don't know that.

So, I'll introduce about Halloween simply.
Halloween or Hallowe'en is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31.
Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties.
Usually, people have a costume party.

The ancient people believed that on night of October 31, the spirits of deceased would visit their family and witches would appear. And they would cause ploblems such as sickness or damaged crops.
Thus, people wear costume or mask to protect self from badness.

All my friends prepared custume.
But I didn't.
Finally, I dressd a soccer uniform and a bandage on my leg.
At last, I attched sticking plaster on my face.
It looks like a hurt soccer player?^^

We had a great time.

We saw costume each other and estimated score.
There were varied costume.

It is one of the most interesting parties in my life.


JIN said...

Wow so cool~~!!
It looks very happy.
I haven't been Halloween party yet.
But I hope~!kk

David said...

hey jino i love halloween party because its a crazy party and i like to wear a costume.

i really enjoy that party, you can do what ever you want and nobody knows who are you.

the pictures are so funny.

Eugene said...

Why did you wear the our uniform of national soccer team?
That isn't Halloween costume;;kkk
Anyway, you look so happy.
I hope that u have a great everyday..

Kristi said...

It's so fun to dress up! You feel like a kid again...