Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Living in Calgary

I've lived in Calgary for seven months. That is never too short time for me.
Actully, when I just arrived, my heart was throbbing with expectation.
Because everything was new and novel. Street, Building, people....
So, it took me quite a long time to adapt myself to the new place.
Fortunately, I adapted very well. I lived here with no problems.

I think time goes too fast for me. I feel like just arriving few days ago.
When I came here, I brough a map and guide book. I saw that and I found some place. But, I don't need that any more. I can go there what I want.

Now, just 12 days left and then I'll move to Toronto.
I'm excited and worried about moving to new place. Nobody doesn't know me and I also don't know anybody. Maybe I'll feel strange like coming here. Also I'll need time to adapt there.

I hope I would adapt in Toronto quickly and succeed in living.
Maybe, I could remember about living in Calgary many times.
And I'll never forget here.
I want tell to friends, teachers.
"Thank you for your helping!!!"


Eugenio Baffi said...

Hey my friend I hope you the best in Toronto, and I think that you are goin to have a great time there... see you

fahad said...

I agree with you about the time i'v been here for six months and I feel it's just like few days ago.
My friend good luck in Toronto and in your life.

JIN said...

How long will you stay in Toronto?
I'll miss you~!

Could you give me your Cyworld address~?
I want to be 1chon with you.
See you!!

Liliana said...

The time pass so fast, but your friends all the time are with you. The most important in your like is that you never stay alone. I hope you can enjoy your new life in Toronto.

Eugene said...

Brother~~ See ya in Toronto soon..
And let's meet in Korea after you come back to Korea.
Take care everyday over and over and over again...
Thank you for your kind. I'll never forget you everlasting kkk.
See ya soon... Just after 11hr..