Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Story in Vancouver

I'm traveling in Vancouver with my girlfriend. I'm having great time. I went to White Rocks beach today. There are many white rocks. So people called "White Rocks". It was very marvelous because I couldn't see the beach in Calgary. I used to visit to the beach before I came to Canada.

There aren't many people because it was rainy. I thought this beach is mine. haha~~. Actually, this trip is important to me because it is last trip with her in Canada. She is going to go back to Korea next week. I'll never forget today. Tomorrow, we are going to the Victoria island. I expect tomorrow.


Sary said...

Hey, your trip sounds wonderful!! What did you do in Victoria Island? Besides the beach and the island, which other places did you visit?
I know how you can feel about your girlfriend; my boyfriend is working in Venezuela, right now and I feel very lonely, is very difficult to me be far of he, I always sad =(

Eugene said...

Wow~~ look so not bed~kk^^
Did u have a good time??
Ah;; It was havy snow.. That's too bed~hh
How about Vancouver? Better than here?? I think the temperature is better than.. I don't like raining..anyway, I missed you for u lift from here kkk^^. Ja~ The trip finished now, let's study hard~hard~hard. Good luck~

David said...

hey!!! that trip looks very good and that pictures are very nice. i want to visit vancouver and victoria with my girlfriend. But, we don't have enough time. I heard that vancouver is very nice city and you can do a lot of things. what kind of place did you visit? what is the most famous place that you visited?


wow~! Did you have a good time with your girlfriend? i couldn't clearly look at the picture.
can you show me with realy film someday? take care.

JIN said...

How was your trip!!??!?
I hope to go to Vancouver~!
Your picture is so~~ nice~!!
But first picture is a litte...^^;;
Because your hand is on...;;^^...
Anyway~! Nice~!

Kristi said...

How wonderful for the two of you! I'm so glad that you had a nice time! The Vancouver area is so wonderful. I could move to B.C in a second. I love being close to water, and especially the weather. They say it rains a lot in Vancouver, but I think it would be so much better than the freezing temperatures that we get here in Calgary.

Marcia said...

Hi Jino
You look so happy!!!!!!
Did you know that Vancouver is called raincouver? Becouse is always is raining.